Welcome to my first post. In future posts I will highlight adventures in my travels or specific photos or what ever randomly comes to mind. I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment.
Every trip I take I am focused on chasing the light and finding good locations for shots. Most of my pictures I am taking are for my personal uses (Stock, Calendars, Prints, etc). Many times I forget I have the perfect opportunity to capture events from the trip as memories of our amazing adventures. These aren't always the images that I would even think of taking because they would lack the high qualities of light, composition, and overall appeal. But more recently, my travels have been with Jeanelle.
When I am by myself I can focus specifically on photography. I go where I want and spend all the time I want in that spot. The problem with that is I seldom have anyone to share and enjoy the moments with. Sure, that is why I try to capture the images to share what I saw at the time. But as my dad always says, "sometimes, there are moments that are meant for our eyes only". And because of this I love to have Jeanelle there to share that point in time with. Especially if It can't be captured in an image. But now, in our travels, every now and then I try to force myself away from my usual frame of mind and capture some of those "scrapbook" moments, so later we will be able to refresh our memories from past adventures. This also helps me slow down and enjoy everything around me to and not just be so intent on capturing the perfect image. . And sometimes, these "scrapbook" photos create better memories from our trips then my usual images. I am always looking to improve with everything I do. This alternate type of photography has opened my eyes a little more and helped me appreciate my surroundings. To that I Thank you Jeanelle. Believe it or not you are making my photography better. With that, I would like to share a short video I took of sunset on the Oceanside Beach. I was rushing around the beach trying to capture the sun setting. Looking for the perfect foreground, the right seastacks and compositions that will encompass the moment. Then I stopped for a second and noticed the sun quickly dropping through the clouds and behind the ocean horizon. At that moment I said that I needed something for us ( Jeanelle and I), that we can look back on and relive this incredible sunset and remind of us our trip to the Oregon Coast. Every time I watch this I realize the simplicity of it but also the beauty of Nature, the power of the ocean, and how special it is to have shared this moment with Jeanelle. It may not have quite the same meaning but I hope you appreciate the power of Nature and the beauty it brings us.
washington art oregon art sunset art
nature art glacier national park art waterfall art
yellowstone national park art wildlife art pacific northwest art
outdoors art mountain art mountains art