The Wrath
This morning was a cold one in Yellowstone. The temperature was barely in the teens. While it was freezing, the landscape was amazing. Much different than when snow has covered most of the ground. The combination of the cold temperatures and the geothermal features transform everything into very unusual scenes. This is a forest that was killed by the geothermal features from the firehole lake area. Steam rises and freezes on the grass and dead trees while filtering out light from the sun creating a very haunting scene. What is left are ghosts of the trees to remind us of how brutal the conditions in Yellowstone are like.
I offer a variety of landscape, nature and wildlife images and fine art digital paintings. I also have many agricultural, farming and countryside images as well. Most of my work is from around the Pacific Northwest, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, British Columbia, and Alberta. Please look through my galleries or visit my website to view my full portfolio.
All of my work is original and copyrighted. The watermarks will not be on your final print. Thank you for looking and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.